Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weekly weigh in 252.2 +.6 and I'm pissed

I'm not mad because I gained weight and thought I shouldn't have no I'm pissed at myself. I relaxed and stopped drinking water, tracking what I eat etc. This was a good reminder to me that I need to be vigilant every minute of the day. There is no not worrying about it for a few days, no I need to worry about all the time. So, I guess it was a good thing that I gained weight, it was just the kick in the butt that I needed.

Sorry I haven't been posting this week. I have this horrible sinus thing going on. So just taking it easy!!

Hope everyone is having a good week and here's to healthy choices!!


  1. whatever you do don't give up. You are doing so well and have the support of your hubby and friends.
    I can't even get started because I'm just too lazy!

  2. Track track track! That's my motto!! Good luck next week, lady!
